
  1. ICRC, Russia-Ukraine International Armed Conflict: Your Questions Answered About ICRC’s Work (28 March 2023)

  2. Russian Red Cross, ‘Who We Are’ (2023)

  3. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (“IFRC”), Russian Red Cross Society (last updated in 2004)

  4. Ibid

  5. IFRC, BELARUS AND RUSSIA 2023 IFRC Network Multi-Country Plan (17 January 2023)

  6. Ibid

  7. IFRC, Top 30 Recipient Countries Based on Income (16 May 2023) [16.5 million CHF converted to rubles was 1,505,411,356 on 21 April 2023.] See also IFRC, RUSSIA Federation-Wide National Society Response Plan (MGR65002) (Reliefweb, 17 April 2023) p 4

  8. Ibid p 6

  9. Ibid p 4

  10. Kommersant, “This is Our Country, These are People Who Need Help” (26 December 2022)

  11. Russian Red Cross, Seven RKK Projects Were Among the Winners of the Twelfth Competition of the Pres

    idential Grants Fund (14 January 2022)

  12. International Criminal Court, Case No. ICC-01/22, Situation in Ukraine (March 2023)

  13. International Criminal Court, Arresting ICC Suspects at large (January 2019)

  14. International Criminal Court, Case No. ICC-01/22, Situation in Ukraine (March 2023)

  15. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 7(2d)

  16. Prosecutor v Radovan Karadžić, Case No. IT-95-5/18-T, Public Redacted Version of Judgement Issued on 24 March 2016 – Volume I of IV (TC), 24 March 2016, paras 488-490

  17. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (“OHCHR”), Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2015 (20 June 2016) pp 3, 16–18

  18. Geneva Convention IV Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (12 August 1949)

  19. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 25(3)

  20. Kai Ambos, “Article 25: Individual Criminal Responsibility”, in Otto Triffterer (ed), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Observers' Notes, Article by Article (Oxford University Press 2nd Edition, 2008) p 748

  21. The Prosecutor v Lubanga, Doc. No. ICC-01/04-01/06-3121-Red, Judgment on the Appeal of Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo Against His Conviction (1 December 2014) para 465

  22. Ibid para 326

  23. The Prosecutor v Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Case No ICC-01/05-01/08, Decision Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute on the Charges of the Prosecutor against Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo (15 June 2009) para 350

  24. Ibid para 332

  25. Kai Ambos, Joint Criminal Enterprise and Command Responsibility, Journal of International Criminal Justice 5 (2007) pp 160-161

  26. CNBC, Red Cross Confirms Contact with Russia about Ukrainian Kids (8 April 2023)

  27. Ibid

  28. Ibid

  29. Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (adopted by the 25th International Conference of the Red Cross at Geneva in 1986, amended in 1995 and 2006)

  30. See also [link to: OSINT for Ukraine, You want to conquer the people, raise their children! - Who is carrying out Putin’s genocide plan against Ukrainian children]

  31. Regina Gimalova, Why the Red Cross Distributes Mugs with Putin and T-shirts with the Letter Z to Ukrainian Refugees in Russia (Lay Out, 13 July 2022)

  32. Orsk Engineering College, #WETOGETHER is the Idea that United the Country During the COVID-19 Pandemic (March 2021)

  33. See e.g. Russian Red Cross, The Russian Red Cross Helped over 80,000 Refugees from Ukraine and Donbass (Russian Red Cross, 5 May 2022); Russian Red Cross, The Russian Red Cross Has Already Provided Refugees from Ukraine and Donbass with Humanitarian Aid Worth 92.3 Million Rubles, (Russian Red Cross, 26 April 2022)

  34. Kommersant, “This is Our Country, These are People Who Need Help” (26 December 2022)

  35. Ibid

  36. See e.g. the posts of 22 February 2023 and 10 March 2023 on the Telegram Channel of the Angarsk Regional Branch

  37. Russian Red Cross, “Russian Red Cross Has Prioritised Putting Dignity First”: IFRC Vice-Secretary General Visited Moscow (21 November 2022)

  38. Regina Gimalova, Why the Red Cross Distributes Mugs with Putin and T-shirts with the Letter Z to Ukrainian Refugees in Russia (Lay Out, 13 July 2022)

  39. Lay Out, “This is One of the Types of Looting: Someone’s Washing Machine was Taken Away, and Someone’s Child was Taken Away”(24 March 2023)

  40. Russian Red Cross, UNHCR Supports the Russian Red Cross in Assisting Displaced Persons from Donbass (21 March 2022); Russian Red Cross, In 2022 the Russian Red Cross Supported over 1.6 Million People, Including More than Half a Million Refugees and Displaced Persons (22 December 2022); Russian Red Cross, The Russian Red Cross Opened the First Mobile Aid Station for Refugees and Displaced Persons from Ukraine and Donbass (19 July 2022); Russian Red Cross, Assistance to IDPs from Donbass (16 March 2022)

  41. Isobel Yeung et al, Exclusive: We Interviewed the Russian Woman Accused of ‘Stealing’ 20,000 Children (VICE, May 2023)

  42. Nazariy Lazur, “They Collected Military Uniforms and Drones”: The Russian Red Cross Got into a Loud Scandal (24TV, 21 December 2022); Ivan Verstyuk, Red Cross on the Russian Tricolour: Another Campaign in Support of the Russian Army (Telegraf, 27 October 2022)

  43. Ibid

  44. Ibid

  45. On Yuri Basmanov’s VKontakte profile and Instagram, one can find that Basmanov nowadays works for “Center for the Collection of Humanitarian Aid "Combat Brotherhood" Kirov” and regularly publishes posts praising Putin and the “Special Operation”. Basmanov was replaced as the head of the Kirov RKK branch in 2023. Regardless, the Kirov Branch continues to post about raising funds for the wounded and its meetings with Defenders of the Fatherland in June 2023. See also Yulia Poteryanko, Russian Red Cross Distributes Cups of Putin and Z-shirts to Ukrainians - Investigation (Telegraf 14 July 2022)

  46. Ivan Verstyuk, Red Cross on the Russian Tricolour: Another Campaign in Support of the Russian Army (Telegraf, 27 October 2022)

  47. Ukrainian Security & Cooperation Center, Under the Red Cross Brand, State Terrorism is Financed in Russia (USCC, 30 November 2022); Ukrainian Red Cross, Official Position Regarding the Actions of the Russian Red Cross (24 October 2022)

  48. David P Forsythe, “The Humanitarians - The International Committee of the Red Cross” (Cambridge University Press 2005) pp 44, 45

  49. Ibid p 45

  50. Ibid p 41